On May 6, 2020, White House Press Secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, was questioned by a reporter from Reuters:

Kayleigh, in a previous life, before you were Press Secretary, you worked for the campaign. And you made a comment, I believe, on Fox, in which you said, “President Trump will not allow the coronavirus to come to this country.” Given what has happened since then, obviously, would you like to take that back?

To the smug Reuters reporter, McEnany replied in part:   

I guess I would turn the question back on the media, and ask similar questions: Does Vox want to take back that they proclaimed that the coronavirus would not be a deadly pandemic? Does the Washington Post want to take back that they told Americans to “Get a Grippe,” the flu is bigger than the coronavirus? Does the Washington Post, likewise, want to take back that our brains are causing us to exaggerate the threat of the coronavirus? Does the New York Times want to take back that fear of the virus maybe spreading faster than the virus itself? Does NPR want to take back that the flu was a much bigger threat than the coronavirus? And finally, once again, the Washington Post — would they like to take back that the government should not respond aggressively to the coronavirus? 

The Press Secretary’s response immediately made two things abundantly clear.

One, reporters believing that they have the wherewithal to embarrass McEnany should think twice before venturing into that minefield. Secondly, however, and far more importantly, the Trump Administration had made the grave mistake of allowing the other side to define the issue.

Already by early May, according to the Press Secretary’s very own words, it was clear that the Trump Administration had conceded the following:

  • The coronavirus is a deadly pandemic.
  • The threat of the coronavirus is not being exaggerated.
  • The virus itself is spreading faster than fear of the virus. 
  • The coronavirus is a much bigger threat than the flu.
  • The government must respond aggressively to the coronavirus.

None of these things were true as McEnany spoke seven months ago and they are not true now. 

Even so, the President, his team and countless others who fancy themselves to be on the right side of this issue point to Operation Warp Speed – which would more appropriately be called Operation Warped Mind – as if it were a tremendous success. 

In truth, Operation Warp Speed and the vaccines it is rushing to market only serve to testify to the unfortunate fact that the Trump Administration lost control of the COVID narrative early on and never recovered it. 

As a result, the price that we’ve paid and continue to pay is incalculable.

One would be dead wrong to imagine that plainly and publicly admitting as much does a disservice to President Trump’s attempts to secure a second term by exposing the fraud that will forever come to define Election 2020.

The exact opposite, in fact, is true.

Acknowledging the fact that political leftists in this nation and abroad; i.e., the enemies of the American people, have been allowed to define the COVID issue thus far only serves to underscore just how important it is that Trump’s opponents don’t succeed in stealing their way into the White House.

Should they happen to prevail, based on all that is already known of them, one can be certain that this year-from-hell will come to look like a peaceful walk in the park by comparison. Imagine, for example, a national mask mandate, mandatory vaccinations, COVID passports, pervasive contact tracing, extended shut downs, economic collapse, etc.

Surely by now, President Trump, in spite of his chest thumping over Operation Warp Speed, realizes that the so-called COVID cure has already become exponentially worse than the problem itself.

The question is, who do you trust to reign it in, a career politician who is neatly tucked in the pocket of Xi Jinping, a man whose nation stands to benefit most by our demise, or the imperfect outsider, who for the past four years has been laboring day and night to put America first?

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